30 April 2010

Where we'll be staying this weekend...

...on our Grand Canyon adventure.

26 April 2010

the good in a day

We all struggle with finding meaning in the day to day. What did today mean for you? How did you live a good story? How did I? 

Today I spent some good hours working on projects I feel are worthwhile. Made a few phone calls. Answered some emails. Made mac 'n cheese. There is no story in this. Where was the beauty in life today? Where did it stand out? There have been days when I can feel the journey of life so intently that I am changed - I have learned. The beauty in life. Today was no such day.

But sometimes the beauty isn't in the life lesson that slaps you in the face or in the victory you fought so hard for. My friend Mike has a very sick daughter. This is hard. Yet I am awed and moved by this man's absolutely astonishing and heartbreaking love for his dear girl. This is beautiful. It's raw and real and it's love.

Tonight I was reading in bed as my wife fell asleep next to me. That was it. It didn't strike me or consume me. The moment simply whispered "this is good."  And it's enough.

25 April 2010

Sometimes you get MORE than you pay for.

I have been wearing these shoes for nearly a decade now. Not continuously. $45 well spent.

jonathan wilson
group relations manager
amor ministries

15 April 2010

San Carlos Pics!

It took me too long to get these out. Sorry.


Andy rocking a straw hat and sweet beard.

Jon with the bull floating skills.

Yes, that's a jiffy lube shirt. No, I never worked there.

The Amor Crew and Lazarian World Homes guys doing some training.


To see all of the San Carlos pics, click here.



If a dog mated with a football...

jonathan wilson
group relations manager
amor ministries

Seen in Camp last night...

Invasion of the pipers!

jonathan wilson
group relations manager
amor ministries

Our CFO's beard matches his coffee cup.

Bad Ass Coffee Co.